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The Virginia 811

Scholarship Program

Passion to serve,  dedication to safety.

Virginia 811 Mission

To operate a quality-driven, mission-critical, time-sensitive, and employee-focused organization that provides an underground damage prevention safety program for all Virginia stakeholders by continually improving the effectiveness of our quality management system as it pertains to meeting all relevant requirements while emphasizing a positive customer experience. 

Apply for the Virginia 811 Scholarship!

The Virginia 811 Scholarship Program awards two (2), one-year, $1,500 college scholarships for Virginia students and/or adult learners planning to attend an accredited community college, trade school of four-year college or university by the following fall who meet the following criteria

Virginia 811 Scholarship Eligibility. 

  • Applicants must be Virginia residents
  • Applicants must be planning to attend either:
    • A Virginia community college
    • A Virginia-accredited trade school
    • A  National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) workforce curriculum program through the Virginia Community College System (VCCS)
    • A four-year, accredited, college or university by the following fall after graduation
  • Applicants must successfully complete the Basic C.A.R.E. Module (Training Only) as a “Homeowner” prior to applying for this scholarship and include a screenshot of the course completion screen in Section 1-4 PDF (see PDF details in the Guidelines section)
  • High school applicants must be a rising high school senior and have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Applicants under 18 not planning to attend an NCCER workforce curriculum program through VCCS must have at least one parent or legal guardian who works full or part-time at a Virginia 811 Member utility, works as a utility Locator locating utilities in Virginia, or is a professional excavator who works in Virginia and whose company has successfully set up a Web Ticket Entry account with Virginia 811

The Basic C.A.R.E. Module is found here:

Guidelines – High School Seniors

The student can submit sections 1-4  (along with the Basic C.A.R.E. Module Training completion screenshot) in one PDF document. Be sure to title each section. The student will be the sole contributor to and creator of the submission document. Please note that all submissions will be the property of Virginia 811 and used at our discretion.

Section 1:  Student Introduction 

In this section, the student introduces him/herself. The student should concentrate on hobbies, favorite academic subjects, and any information supporting that the student works with others as a team, demonstrates leadership skills, and/or has contributed to improving his/her community. Include in this section the name of the locate company or excavation company where parent or guardian works.

Section 2:  Education / Extracurricular Activities / Work Experience 

Please provide the following information in this section:
  Name of school the student is currently attending and current GPA.
  Name and address of the Member Utility at which the student’s parent or legal guardian works, including the contact information of the parent or legal guardian’s direct supervisor.
  Name of schools to which the student is applying or planning to attend.
  Sports, clubs, and civic organizations with which the student has participated.
  Volunteer work in which the student has participated during high school.
  Student employment history.

Section 3:  Career Goals (300 words or less) 

What major does the student plan to pursue in college and how will this contribute to the student reaching his/her career goals? How will this major and career path help contribute to underground utility damage prevention and assist in the mission of Virginia 811?

Section 4: Transcript and Letters of Recommendation 

In addition to the application submission, students must provide a scanned copy of their high school transcripts and 2 recommendation letters. One letter should be from a current teacher, and one letter should come from an employer, coach, or other individuals who have worked closely with the student in a professional manner and is familiar with the student’s work ethic and commitment to safety.

Guidelines – Adult Learners

Adult learners can submit sections 1-4  (along with the Basic C.A.R.E. Module Training completion screenshot) in one PDF document. Be sure to title each section. The applicant is the sole contributor to and creator of the submission document. Please note that all submissions will be the property of Virginia 811 and used at our discretion.

Section 1:  Adult Learner Introduction 

In this section, the applicant introduces him/herself. The applicant should concentrate on details about their interest in their intended career track and provide the name of the Virginia community college, accredited trade school, or VCCS NCCER workforce curriculum program they are applying to, along with any information supporting that the applicant works with others as a team, demonstrates leadership skills, and/or has contributed to improving his/her community.

Section 2:  Education / Work Experience 

Please provide the following information in this section:
  Name of school the student is currently attending and current GPA (if applicable).
  Name and address of current employment and description of current job responsibilities (if applicable).
  Provide any work associations and/or civic organizations the applicant has participated in.
  Brief employment history.

Section 3:  Career Goals (300 words or less) 

What NCCER VCCS workforce curriculum program, Virginia community college, or accredited trade school does the applicant plan to pursue, and how will this contribute to the applicant reaching his/her career goals? How will this curriculum and career path help contribute to underground utility damage prevention and assist in the mission of Virginia 811?

Section 4: Transcript and Letters of Recommendation 

In addition to the application submission, applicants must provide a scanned copy of one recommendation letter. This letter should be from an employer, a current teacher, or another individual who has worked closely with the applicant professionally and is familiar with the applicant’s work ethic and commitment to safety.

All applications must be received by 5 PM Friday, September 15, 2023.  Applications received after the due date or not submitted in their entirety will not be considered. Winners will be announced by phone, email, and written letter.

Please email applications to Nikki Turpin at Also please get in touch with Nikki Turpin with any questions or requests for more information.

*All submissions are the sole property of Virginia 811 and can be used at our sole discretion. *

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